Tuesday, January 20, 2009


It would be funny if it weren't so serious. Henry Waxman (D-
Ca.) proclaimed that his powerful committee in Congress will
rush "climate change" legislation to the House floor before
the Memorial Day recess. This was announced concurrently with
the coldest temperatures to hit the heartland of the country
in over a decade.

The President-elect and the Democratic majorities in Congress
are about to launch legislation that will hit every pocketbook
in America and could cost thousands of jobs as well. Their
goal: To reduce carbon emissions that some claim is creating
rising global temperatures that threaten life as we know it.

But what if they are wrong? There is certainly a body of
scientific evidence that indicates that the earth has never
been in the complete balance of heat energy entering and
leaving the atmosphere in equal proportions as "climate
change" adherents believe is now being altered by man-made
carbon emissions. Reputable scientists have strong evidence to
show that global warming and cooling cycles have persisted in
regular intervals throughout most of geologic time long before
the first carbon emission emanated from cavemen.

Unfortunately, the scientists who have sound theories that
stray from the orthodoxy of the man-made climate change
"religion" are ignored by most of the media as well as the
agencies that fund scientific research. Indeed, some have
their careers threatened by the "case closed" true believers
of the carbon induced climate change theory.

The legislation that will be proposed in Congress will
significantly drive up the cost for both the producers and
consumers of carbon-based energy sources. The higher costs
will lead to significant economic impacts immediately. The
vehicle of choice-"cap and trade" legislation-will require a
huge bureaucracy to administer a complicated system that would
penalize some companies, reward others, and have consumers in
some regions pay substantially higher energy costs than others
due to the type of energy sources available to them. Of
course, the element that puts gleams in the eyes of some in
Congress is that the federal government could reap huge
windfall revenues from such a system.

But where would the money come from? That's easy: From you and
me and millions like us. From businesses and industries
already having a hard time making a profit for the goods and
services they produce. Who will benefit most from the system
(besides the revenue-hungry federal government)? Smatterings
of companies whose lobbyists help influence the laws and rules
to put them at an advantage over others. Who will come out the
worst? The poor, the group that always seems to come out
worst, the individuals who can ill afford to pay more for
basic energy needs.

Yes, Congress seems to be in a mad rush to push through
legislation that can have a huge impact on the job security
and livelihood of American workers. "Change" is the mantra in
Washington, but change is a two-sided coin. Before
dramatically altering the economic landscape of the nation, if
I were a member of Congress, I would want to make darn sure

- The "crisis" I was attempting to fix was real;

- That my "cure" for it was definitely going to work; and

- That the sacrifices that I was asking Americans to make
was unquestionably worth the price they would have to pay.

With all due respect, I don't think our elected representatives in Washington can give us those assurances.

Unfortunately, that probably won't stop them from pushing
through the biggest boondoggle since their "reforms" of Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac.

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